In 2000, eight year old Sarah Payne vanished whilst playing in a field near her grandparent’s home. For seventeen days the police launched one of the biggest hunts in the UK to find the little girl.
Sadly, on the 17th July her body was found over ten miles away in a field. An already convicted pedophile, Roy Whiting, had taken her life.
In this heartbreaking film, Sarah’s mum, Sara, relives that tragic day her daughter went missing. She recounts the horror and the agonizing days that unfolded. Sara also talks about her fight to change the system in the UK in a bid to protect children in the future. Her campaign for ‘Sarah’s Law’ has gone on to alter many pieces of legislation.
Thats the van used to kidnap her
In 2000, eight year old Sarah Payne vanished whilst playing in a field near her grandparent’s home. For seventeen days the police launched one of the biggest hunts in the UK to find the little girl.
Sadly, on the 17th July her body was found over ten miles away in a field. An already convicted pedophile, Roy Whiting, had taken her life.
In this heartbreaking film, Sarah’s mum, Sara, relives that tragic day her daughter went missing. She recounts the horror and the agonizing days that unfolded. Sara also talks about her fight to change the system in the UK in a bid to protect children in the future. Her campaign for ‘Sarah’s Law’ has gone on to alter many pieces of legislation.
Thats the van used to kidnap her