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FA11 END 2024-11-06 17:19:28

Chav plate, atleast you’re honest and admit your D is falling.
Guess some viagra is needed
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FA19 UYE 2024-10-24 22:45:36

Twat jumping the red lights at level crossing.
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FA06 MZK 2024-07-28 10:57:58

I know what plate I saw even if it returns no results.

Was on a Nissan Note of all things. A6 Forton, tailgating other road users, hanging on the shoulder looking for the overtake when there certainly wasn't one. Wanker!
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FA21 DWV 2024-07-29 13:29:38

Bmw twattery
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FA57 ZGB 2024-07-12 09:09:03

Prick. Stupid big exhaust, massive spoiler. Dressed like a chav. Revving the engine constantly on a petrol forecourt. Why are many men such pricks when they get in a car???
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