Idiot driver. Get out from A41 services near Hampsted without looking in the mirrors. Had to press the brake VERY hard on my lorry to not push him out of the road. All my stuff inside cab jumped over and all my 26 pallets colapsed inside de trailer. Had to unload all the products from the pallets with hand, around 3 hours of extra work. Also on j20 roundabout him join the wrong lane and cut everybody to join m25 S. The car don’t have MOT.
Idiot driver. Get out from A41 services near Hampsted without looking in the mirrors. Had to press the brake VERY hard on my lorry to not push him out of the road. All my stuff inside cab jumped over and all my 26 pallets colapsed inside de trailer. Had to unload all the products from the pallets with hand, around 3 hours of extra work. Also on j20 roundabout him join the wrong lane and cut everybody to join m25 S. The car don’t have MOT.