What mentality! Park over a ' do not obstruct' access and park nose to nose to another vehicle pinning it in, give consideration to others and park responsibly!
Another pillock in a fast car who's ego makes them think the road belongs to them. Shoots up the left lane only to turn right, just to almost be wiped out by a lorry. Would be a shame for such a nice car to be ruined because of a dick driver. Such a shame nice cars are driven by dicks like this.
Overtakes queing traffic the wrong side of traffic islands to beat traffic .
Pedestrians everywhere as it's airbourne
Absolute inbred and car has a bent MOT as the smoke that came out the back was ridiculous
I'll contact vosa so it's pulled on your next MOT
Don't drive like a dickhead
What mentality! Park over a ' do not obstruct' access and park nose to nose to another vehicle pinning it in, give consideration to others and park responsibly!