Registration plate HV61GVK
Official local mnemonic: Hampshire and Dorset
Postal area: Portsmouth
Issued: between september 2011 and february 2012
White Mitsubishi, manufactured in 2011, first registered on 1 December 2011. Cylinder capacity: 2477cc.
✗ Untaxed Tax due: 1 October 2022
✗ No MOT Expired: 30 July 2022

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HV61 GVK 2021-12-13 12:16:45

The most dangerous and petty driving I have ever experienced.

I will hold my hands and say that I did not respond well to the initial bad driving, which apparently was a trigger for illegal and dangerous driving by this vehicle. Initial incident occured just off M6 where this car overtook me on a single track road despite there being another car ahead of me that was the one causing a minor delay (45mph ish on national speed limit) and no real room to do so. I then drove too close behind them in retaliation for the next minute until they overtook the car ahead.

Fast forward half an hour or so. I catch up to this vehicle along the A69. Vehicle then starts intermittently slowing down dramatically (to 35 mph or so), I do my best to avoid tail-gating. After 5 minutes or so of this, they pull into a layby - so I assume they were just trying to find a turn-off in the dark and think nothing of it.

5-10 minutes later, reach dual carriageaway. Car has reappeared alongside me in outside lane - overtakes, but then pulls in front of me and decelerates. I maintain a constant speed and move to the outside lane - the vehicle then moves back into the outside lane and puts their high beams on.

For the next 10 minutes or so, the vehicle continued with this kind of behaviour - at times speeding up when I went to overtake (trying to maintain a constant speed), or slowing down after pulling back in front of me in the inside lane (one time almost clipping me in doing so, in a pick-up truck versus a small car this is unbelievably dangeorus). And always putting their high beams on when behind me.

So I would recommend just letting this tw*t overtake you dangerously and let them go - as they are quite prepared to try and cause an accident if you have the audicity to point out their arrogant and terrible driving
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