Horrific driver who i have witnessed on numerous occasions parking on double yellow lines and driving at least double the legal speed in residential zones.
Will cause some serious damage some day.
To my knowledge a video has recently came out about confronting a civil enforcement officer who handled the situation incredibly well.
If you happen to be reading this Mr. Driver, sort your act out before you kill someone. While you're at it sort out your apology to that civil enforcement officer. He's twice the man you'll ever be.
Horrific driver who i have witnessed on numerous occasions parking on double yellow lines and driving at least double the legal speed in residential zones.
Will cause some serious damage some day.
To my knowledge a video has recently came out about confronting a civil enforcement officer who handled the situation incredibly well.
If you happen to be reading this Mr. Driver, sort your act out before you kill someone. While you're at it sort out your apology to that civil enforcement officer. He's twice the man you'll ever be.