Red Comcab taxi on the right, cannot be overtaken at any cost and will endanger his passengers to prevent anyone passing him even at a merge point. Not even out of impatience, he's just a feckless moron who needs to retake his test, fail and be forced to find a new job that he's actually any good at
Thinks he's in Wales driving at 20 for miles then got cheeky to wind window down saying you won't get there any quicker...yes you will at 30 thick twat
Drove up my arse on the slip road, pulled out into the furthest lane as soon as he could without indicating, but then drove slower than the speed limit in the overtaking lane, ok mr angry face neck tattoo man
Illegally spaced chav plate on an Audi Q4 E-Tron S Line in Lancs.
Going to guess you're trying to spell Oliver since Oiever, Obver, olever make no sense whatsoever.
In which case you need to learn to spell.