Why do these twats park in disabled parking spots without displaying a blue badge at gyms of all places. Too lazy to walk a few more steps yet going to the gym. What's that all about?
Stupid cunt in a mini in my fucking way she can't fucking drive on alleynes car park blocking the entrance for other cars she indicated left so I moved out the way but then she proceeds to turn right she looks about 90 and she looks at us like shit then gave us the middle finger even though she was in the wrong shes a stupid bitch and probably uses a cucumber because she's a sad bitch she probably got her licence from a cheerios packet
Speeds into a last second pointless and dangerous overtake and barely misses, then proceeds to brake check twice because I dared use the horn, gesticulates and indicates to get me to pull over while slowing down to a crawl. Speeds off. Gets stuck at a red light. Proceeds to wheelspin away in a 180⁰
Good belly laugh at what a proper shitebag looks like when they run away, cheers.
White van man has his own "no parking" cones just so he can put them wherever he wants on the road or pavement.