Registration plate NK16PFF
Official local mnemonic: North
Postal area: Newcastle
Issued: between march 2016 and august 2016
White Vauxhall, manufactured in 2016, first registered on 1 March 2016. Cylinder capacity: 1229cc, CO2 emissions: 125 g/km.
✗ Untaxed Tax due: 1 March 2020
✗ No MOT Expired: 28 February 2020

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NK16 PFF 2023-01-29 12:52:14

Wow you really need to retake your instructor test again! We were behind you today, there was a young woman behind the wheel, she almost caused an accident, she was all over the road, never once indicated and didn’t know what lane she needed to be in! You are supposed to make sure they are competent on quiet roads before taking these learners on busy roads Lille today over by the metro centre!
You are a disgrace to the driving instructor industry!
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NK16 PFF 2018-11-14 03:59:14

Your father needs to retake his test! Who was his instructor? STEVIE WONDER lol
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NK16 PFF 2017-12-13 19:11:17

I was! with this instructor until this happened via uploaded photo when i was a passenger in my fathers car
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NK16 PFF 2017-12-16 22:55:05

Sorry (2017-12-14 17:42:18) Let me explain.. This was my driving tutor and on the day i caught him swearing towards another driver and giving the two finger salute to them all because his learner driver made a very bad mistake and nearly caused an accident with two cars one of which was my fathers car of which i was a passenger in at the time, The instructor saw me and tried to laugh it off as if it was a joke, No joke when someone could have been injured at the time as well being sworn at by one very rude man driving instructor STEVE KIDD! Later that day i telephoned him and told him that i was shocked as well as dissapointed in his actions towards other drivers and also told him that he could have easily broke for the learner driver, His words to me GET OVER IT YOU SILLY LITTLE BOY! AND DON'T WASTE MY TIME AS THERE ARE PLENTY MORE FISH IN THE SEA.. I told him that i would report him, All he said was prove it arse hole!.. Disgusting attitude
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NK16 PFF 2017-12-14 17:42:18

Richard I haven't a clue what you're on about pal. Can you please provide some detail?
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-27 19:30:20

All of you fucking people are retarded cunts
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NK16 PFF 2017-12-14 17:41:28

I seem to your name mentioned a lot when it comes to trolling. Do you have tourette syndrome? Because all you seem to post is argumentative rubbish.
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-28 11:34:16

piss off trolling bitch
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-21 19:05:18

Youth damages car
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NK16 PFF 2017-12-14 17:40:10

Video unavailable.
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-27 19:34:53

i know where they live
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-26 11:52:21

Romanians from Elswick, tyneside, they live in that block behind Bentinck road furniture
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-22 13:24:45

Little bastards
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-21 19:03:22

I knew this would be posted on here as i was the other car to the camera cars left, if anyone had been there and saw what the instructor had done then you would understand why this driver has uploaded thi video as the instructor was a genuine dick, what could not be seen on this video is how the learner lost control on the wheel when the instructor rche over his learner a female by the way PERVERT as probally that was his excuse to reach for the horn, its no no in the driving world and rightfully as someone has already stated against the law, the uploader has every right to be pissed at the instructor as it pissed me off at the time too, i may get a few friends to take a few lessons with this guy and secretly record the fucker, i may also get a few females to take a few lessons with him too to see if he dares try that one again, looking forward to entrapping the bastard
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-17 03:30:58

You seemed to be too close (ref: 2 second rule).
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-22 13:28:52

2017-08-18 01:58:02, Have you heard this retard trying to sound clever and trying to make folk look stupid, well here goes retard, fuck off and stick your finger up your arse when you sit on your fucking elbow, now work that one out useless cunt
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-22 13:25:13

2017-08-17 03:30:58 fuck off
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-18 01:58:02

@10:10:04 "The camera car's dashcam footage has been edited as to zoom in on the learner vehicle as to try and get a closer look at the instructor displaying the two finger salute"

- No problem with that, as long as it was made clear prior to the footage (which it wasn't). Furthermore, if it was zoomed in, then I request the uploader verify the actual, and correct scale - including how far away the other car was at the roundabout. This would also give a more clear approximation of the cam car's speed..or have they edited that, too?

"Too close you say! .. Then how close should anyone be when stupid people jump out in front of you, Is it that all drivers should just ignore the highway code or ignore their own senses and just let idiots do what they want on our roads"

- The general rule is leave a suitable gap of at least two seconds. Also note: this does NOT state or imply I am condoning the actions of the driving instructor, if said actions are shown to be true.

"Defying the word stupid usually comes down to behaviour as your own comment relates to this without assuming anything other"

- Please try and articulate your views with not only less ambiguation but also less of confrontational attitude? If you want a civil response, perhaps you should try being civil yourself.

@2017-08-17 03:30:58 "why thumb down this video"

- I don't know. Ask whoever thumbed it down. If you're inferring I did you're wrong; I didn't vote in advance of establishing the facts of the matter. However whether I voted up or down it would still be my right and it wouldn't be done just to please you.

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NK16 PFF 2017-08-17 13:26:32

@Observer - should have "broken". ROFL.
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-17 10:12:14

2017-08-17 03:30:58 why thumb down this video
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-17 10:10:04

"2017-08-17 03:30:58" why oh why do people like yourself come on these websites and say the most pathetic comments ever!

The camera car's dashcam footage has been edited as to zoom in on the learner vehicle as to try and get a closer look at the instructor displaying the two finger salute

Too close you say! .. Then how close should anyone be when stupid people jump out in front of you, Is it that all drivers should just ignore the highway code or ignore their own senses and just let idiots do what they want on our roads

Defying the word stupid usually comes down to behaviour as your own comment relates to this without assuming anything other

ref 2 second rule.. please do everyone even listen to that bullshit anymore

Gut feeling and a sixth sense of feeling is usually your best judge

The instructor is to blame here and not the learner as he has total control of those breaks and he should have broken but instead informed his learner to so called go for it of which makes him an idiot and not one to trust to teach others his bad habits

Reports will be made and his actions will come into question once a report is made and then he himself may have to go back to driving school because of what i have witnessed here as well as other complaints about the same driving school must be investigated
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-16 19:18:21

In Germany our instructors are goverened by law and if they do like this with learner in car they get licence took away
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-16 16:03:41

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NK16 PFF 2017-08-27 19:27:51

Thats me pulling up in the merc to learners left as yes that bloody instructor did reach over his learner and blasted the horn and yes they were at fault as the learner should give way, What is the point going for lessons when your instructor tells you to do the wrong things, I work at DVLA and i will make an enquiry into this STEVE KIDD school of motoring as he did in fact break the law and i also did see him stick his two fingers up to the camera car just as he was going across the roundabout, I followed the camera car he did nothing wrong other than blast his horn as he was entitled to, Makes me sick when i see fools come on here and pretend to know the so called rules and in truth they know bugger all
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-18 19:30:15

L Driver at fault
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-18 01:59:55

I simply wish to see a totally unedited version of this video. I don't think it's asking too much?
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-17 19:32:32

How do you know the instructor slows the car down? Pure speculation. Why the need to blast your horn? And in the same breath you blame the uinstructor for "scared the crap out of the learner". And why dis the car on the left blast its horn? Illegal and unecessary. Get a life loser.
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NK16 PFF 2017-08-16 16:04:18

Published on Aug 16, 2017

First off i have nothing personal against the learner driver as we have all had to learn to drive and they only follow what the driving instructor tells them what to do, I was not that too bothered at the time until that instructor did what he did next

I am actually pissed off at the instructor as the learner makes a rooky mistake as we all do but what he did afterwards pissed me off enough as to uploading this video onto youtube as he showed total disrespect for the safety of his learner as well as other road users nothing more than ignorance as well as the wrong attitude on the instructors behalf

When myself and the car to my left blasted our horns at the learner vehicle the instructor reached over the learner driver and blasted his horn and then put his two fingers up behind the drivers head at us 0:06 a little dark i admit!

This would have scared the crap out of the learner driver even more as to the instructor reaching over in anger to sound that horn other than us sounding our horns as thats what they are there for as to warn other drivers

Then the instructor starts to slow the car down using the old handbrake method as not to hit his brakes as the break lights would give him away as everyone knows they all have a set of brake pedals on the passenger side supposedly for emergencies

It was'nt until i pointed at my dashcam and informed him that he was not the only one with a camera on board that he decided to stop his antics and moved on, Even if you fail to see it this is what they do to piss off other drivers as they believe they always have the law on their side, Sadly not when caught on dashcam

Maybe he should go and watch his own footage before he tries to piss off other people and scare his learners half to death

Of course the learner driver may defend the instructor but my advice to them is to seek another qualified and more competant driving instructor as the name says it all Steve KIDD

I make this request to the instructor please upload your own footage if you would like to debate this and of course please feel free to upload your rear footage of this incident as you can clearly see my own disgust at you when you stuck up those dirty little stubby fingers at me and i can be seen quite clearly yelling at you from within my own car with windows closed maybe then people will understand why i have uploaded this video

You tried to set me up as video bait and you failed sir

To the learner driver i say this, Please accept my apologies for sounding my horn at you but it is permitted when you drive into the path of another vehicle and not forgetting you have to give way to traffic on your right as your driving instructor FAILED! to advise you of this at the time, Also your instructor obstructed your driving when he reached over you and sounded that horn, He was actually breaking the law, Please seek another school of motoring as this company will be investigated and reported for his attitude towards other drivers, His offensive two finger salute, His slowing down a vehicle to cause an accident ie hand brake method, Do not let him intimmidate you into saying anything other, I have known of people in the past making succesful claims against driving schools and their instructors for doing exactly this, Think of it that is all i am saying

Ibroke no laws do you think he did?
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