You give way to your right, not your rights right & once you're on the roundabout you have right of way so there's no need to stop to allow other people to go because it just confuses the crap out of everyone!
Typical chavvy wank, tailgates so close that he obviously wants it up the arse. Then the plate, one moment it’s on his dash, the next he’s got illegal show plates on the road.
If you're that petrified of overtaking a cyclist when there's plenty of room then you shouldn't be on the road. As a cyclist myself you'd piss me off if you kept hanging on my rear wheel like that.
Toyota Aygo needs to learn how roundabouts work.
You give way to your right, not your rights right & once you're on the roundabout you have right of way so there's no need to stop to allow other people to go because it just confuses the crap out of everyone!