Registration plateSilver Volkswagen Touareg, manufactured in 2012, first registered on 1 December 2012. Cylinder capacity: 2967cc, CO2 emissions: 189 g/km. As of 15 December 2017 this vehicle had done 31,789 miles. Current estimated odometer reading: 74,400 miles.
✗ Untaxed Tax due: 1 December 2019
✗ No MOT Expired: 17 December 2019
MOT history
Test date
Expiry date
Odometer reading
✓ Pass
✓ Pass
✓ Pass
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Number 5 in the worst drivers ranking in September 2019
Just take your foot off the accelerator pedal and just slow down. Dont use your brakes just slowly slow down. Hopefully the car in the nearside lane will do the same.
I hate tossers like this idiot!
Sounds like your a cunt tbh, it's an overtaking lane. The opening poster did nothing wrong and didn't deserve to be called a wanker but to create a rolling roadblock with the intention of creating road rage??? You've every chance that A) your actions will be the cause of a crash or B) your gonna end up pissing the wrong person off and get yaself stabbed
Driving along the A55 towards Chester, I'm overtaking slower vehicles whilst observing the 70mph speed limit and this idiot appears behind me about 2 foot off my bumper and gesturing me.I pull back into the nearside lane after my overtake, he then speeds past, beeps his horn at me and calls me a wanker and disappears off at around 80/85 mph...and I'm a wanker?
He drove over my toe. It still hurts ouch!