look at these fucking idiots mr truck driver, not using the cycle lane on a 60 mph road! who slows you down to a stop? the bicycle? or the mile long queue of cars? bikes dont cause traffic jams, cars do. bIKES dont get stuck in car parks, cars do. Bikes dont obstruct ambulances or fire engines in resedential zones, bikes dont sit two abreast blocking the road all day whilst their owners who cant afford a driveway dump them in the road. Bikes dont create dangerous pollutant emissions killing people, bikes dont kill people. You should be angry at car levels, not bicycle users. Bicycles users will always be the king of travel. Cars will have to go back to the 1890's. They do not work.
i can tell you exactly why he said that. Ok from his high up position in the cab, he sees you on the bicycle not using the crappy shared path/ pavement with picture of bikes on it. Never mind we know its useless, goes over junctions, goes the wrong way, gives you punctures, goes into posts etc. To him, it is a superb cycle lane you should be in, and by avoiding it, you are slowing him and everyone else down. Not true of course, but to his eyes, you're riding on the road instead of the ''cycle lane''. Thats why hes yelling it. I wouldnt use that either. Not good enough cycle infastructure, too slow, indirect, dangerous for pedestrians etc. Lorry driver is a twat. Bicycles have a right to use the road regardless of what crappy cycle lane is beside them. Gaz.
I know this truck, Ive spoken to one of the drivers while at Brunters.