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SP09 RKA 2024-04-03 01:06:19

This vehicle ran into a cyclist on purpose and no action is being taken by the police, if it was a copper knocked off a bike this driver would have 'fallen down the stairs' by now - disgusting,
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SP07 TLY 2024-03-21 19:10:28

Shit illegal font on a black Vauxhall.
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SP59 MYN 2024-02-26 13:50:43

Total moron gliding in and out of lanes, doesn't like the queue so pulls out in front of a moving lorry only to force his way back in again 5 cars later holding up everyone. Virtually laid back in his seat, probably thinks he's something big.
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SP62 CEV 2024-01-29 20:56:45

What does that sign say?
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SP69 ZZX 2024-01-02 15:07:40

Entitled prick who skips a 5 min queue of traffic turning right misusing the ahead only lane sbd barging in at the front of the queue
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