Such a 🚾 W CLARK K no way is ur bloody middle name anywhere near that s::t u put on ur plate get a life
Get ur number plate sorted
Get a life
Change your middle name
F🪓k urself up
What an wanker. Parks on the footpath and grass every day twice and a stupid number plate of WC 1 1RON. Please stop these scrap metal collectors. Company name is Wills Scrap Metal Recycling.
I guess this muppet's name is OWEN from his reg, drives like a real tit, undertaking, swerving from lane to lane, using wrong lanes to jump queues, speeding excessively, but I guess that's what you expect from someone driving a Peugeot GIT, sorry GTI.
What the hell is this shit car? Never seen such a pile of shite blue car before. Also helps checking mirrors as you drive up the M1 on a Friday night moron!
The wankers just Mel on coming.