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WV17 VGX 2024-05-26 18:44:46

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WV68 LRA 2024-05-04 00:53:20

Complete and utter fucking wanker.
On phone ,all over a406,swerves for M11 turn off. Needs shooting
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WV14 XYZ 2024-04-25 20:24:41

Fucking squeaky brakes and beeping a lot.
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WV73 BYC 2024-04-04 13:54:16

Trent Drains showing no regards for others. No blue badge so don’t be a twat and park somewhere else.
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WV70 WNO 2024-02-20 14:54:02

For those who don't know... When a sign says road closed in 800m then it's closed in 800m. If it says it's closed in 200m then it's closed in 200m. It does NOT mean use only one lane for 800m, and it definitely does NOT mean block two live lanes because you're a sheep following the queue and are jealous of people with the intelligence to know how to drive properly. Use both lanes, merge in turn where the road actually closes.

Well done Mr John Lewis driver, you're the hero for the sheeple that can't read the rules.
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