This driver took a massive shit while driving down the road, by sticking his arse out the window. He covered my car completely so hard that it shattered the back window and covered me and my child inside the car. A passing lorry also was covered in his shit.
This is probably the same guy as WX55AOE,
both are bald
Both drive school mini buses
Both are impatient and try to barge in front.
Both are in Liverpool.
It’s probably the same guy (or brother)?
Impatient school Minibus driver kicks off, fighting for every inch of the road and honks at a learner driver to try to get in front, in the end he only gets 2 car lengths in front.
What a unprofessional reaction from a driver who is supposed to be a professional driver and is carrying disabled kids!
Hopefully he gets reported.
I think you mean Impatient, but those are disabled kids, so they might be patients, and if so he can definitely be in patient’s arsehole’s.
Cause he’s a Dirty Nonce.
big tits!