AK66 AJY 2019-11-14 17:55:50

That 500 quid Vectra! id have punted it down the road, what a fuckwit
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AO14 KVV 2019-11-10 15:10:06

Who cares sado?
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A9 YTB 2019-10-31 22:25:55

Fuck me sideways!!!
Look at this fucking melt.
Looks like he gets reamed every night by his daddy while his mother watches and wanks of her brother.
As for the car, well electric shitbox.
Fucking silly little cunt.
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A9 YTB 2019-11-07 17:21:34

Reg P280 NLP No indicators for no reason it was a white Honda civic thanks
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A18 EDS 2019-11-07 01:56:06

Why isn't this Muppet getting stopped?
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AV16 NUP 2019-11-05 09:41:13

Great driver, very patient when i stalled 1847194729 times
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ACC 902A 2019-11-01 19:44:35

I'm a sssssssnakke, a slippery slimey sssssnake
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A9 DAB 2019-10-24 23:01:51

Christian denominations such as the Moravian Church, believe that the Bible speaks negatively of homosexual acts but, as research on the matter continues, the Moravian Church seeks to establish a policy on homosexuality and the ordination of homosexuals.
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AV62 JVA 2019-10-27 03:13:28

They might have got the wrong end of the stick.
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A18 EDS 2019-10-26 15:41:14

This driver is a hazard to everyone on the road.
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  2. KP68 VDV
  3. FN66 JYU
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  5. KT73 ZHX
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