AU67 WXJ 2019-05-16 04:26:52

Mate, there's a good chance they'll learn their lesson, riding like that..
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AK17 KYR 2019-05-12 15:48:37

Stop using your phone whilst driving wanker
You are the problem here !!!
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A114 GAP 2019-05-10 16:52:20

Jack squat is a troll and he's in an online relationship with myself boxing xx
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A114 GAP 2019-05-10 00:45:14

Not a Porsche, it’s a kit car based on a Pontiac
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AO13 KNR 2019-05-09 15:15:52

Cars shite has fake OZ’s
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AJ54 FMO 2019-05-01 01:38:06

When was the image taken?
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AJ19 NKF 2019-05-07 15:24:02

wouldn't bother posting that on here pal, go ask a photographer or google as they'll be more helpful
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AD16 SUE 2019-05-02 15:21:43

Shit at parking though.
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AE67 ETJ 2019-05-02 00:08:56

Probably didn't understand the gibberish on top. Llogidiv rooofoofofofoo ogogogogoch
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