AF12 KNB 2018-10-24 13:20:26

police have recoverd this car, panic over just waiting to get it back, thanks
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AU68 URH 2018-10-23 18:04:16

Everyone fails to acknowledge that (just maybe) there was a car over the lines beforehand and this person had to park outside the lines to compensate too.
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AK18 KVG 2018-10-23 12:41:41

bet her fanny is wrinkly tho
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AU68 URH 2018-10-14 21:34:30

Sadly this is the way you have to park if you have a decent car, too many people out there who don't give a damn and will fling their doors open and damage someone else property.

If other people weren't so careless, then people wouldn't park like this.

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AV68 EJJ 2018-10-19 17:14:43

Crazy man. Hit me and drive off. I call police and police say he in trouble
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AY60 XDT 2018-10-12 13:05:03

Also ignoring rule 134 Highway code and Section 137 of the Highways Act. (any person) "in any way wilfully obstructs the free passage along a highway he is guilty of an offence "

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AV68 EJJ 2018-10-11 15:38:49

Shocked at how the driver was driving this morning, I usually don’t write comments like this but the driver is a real danger to all drivers on the road. I want to help, put drivers like him off the road!!!
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AV68 EJJ 2018-10-11 14:55:09

Began picking a fight with an innocent motorist this morning. Instead of acknowledging his error he began to bully the victim, during which he decided to attempt and break the victims side mirror. This guy does not deserve a license as he is a danger to other motorists.
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A13 FCY 2018-10-18 14:35:00

Absolute bellend of a driver. Revving thinking he's funny all to hide his obsession of gay porn...
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AU68 URH 2018-10-17 19:18:12

There's a passenger door too, btw.
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