AJ16 WMN 2018-06-28 12:57:27

Typical trash that would eat in a McDonald's.
Council estate trash.
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AY59 ZFT 2018-06-27 17:21:10

Grubby bunch of skank cunts
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AO13 KNR 2018-06-26 18:25:24

He cut me off coming off a roundabout, big boy such a gorgeous little face
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AK15 PHA 2018-06-09 15:52:06

Cheap tacky little Evoque pretending it's a premium SUV.
Could understand if it was a proper Range like a vogue or an expensive motor.

No matter how tight the bays, this is clearly a complete, selfish little person who deserves every bit of vandalism done to their wannbee car. Park properly or rightfully accept any comeuppance.
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AK15 PHA 2018-06-08 17:00:25

Dicks park like this to stop there cars being damaged by other cars parking to close. A good way to teach them not to do it is to run a key down both sides of the car then leave a note on the windscreen explaning that there car was only damaged due to them parking like a cockend.
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AK15 PHA 2018-06-07 14:35:19

How dare you post a picture of my car on the internet you pervert, take this down straight away!

My car is worth several times the value of all those around it therefore it's abundantly obvious to anyone with half a brain as to why I deserve two parking spaces.
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AK15 PHA 2018-06-11 11:09:09

Seen this car about in Bristol. Us lads will sort this one out if we see it parked like that again and put it on its roof. And, don't think we won't.
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AF08 LGN 2018-06-10 12:58:27

Wtf cares.
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AVH 717K 2018-06-09 22:19:33

I see what you did there!
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AK15 PHA 2018-06-09 19:38:50

Even think about damaging my car and you will be in court. I will take you to the cleaners and your benefit money will pay for a new handbag.
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