A444 RYV 2022-05-24 12:54:56

The driver of this vehicle was butters and clapped. She was very young as well I don't even know how they were driving. They were only 96 years old
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AV07 CFL 2022-05-21 13:42:13

Old man can’t even drive. Hit my car and then drove off
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A9 PKN 2022-05-19 18:56:10

stop at the give way line you tool. And after an accident, you must also stop to give your insurance details. Not just drive off. Its a shared path cycle lane, you have to give way to me on it. Not just stick the range rover in front of me and make me hit you.
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AV08 BMU 2022-05-18 09:17:29

You taking the piss or what?

3 junctions you're supposed to indicate & you don't.
Then when the road simply bends round but is continuous, you indicate to tell me you're staying on the road that you're on.
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AK12 XDM 2022-05-17 11:58:34

Fuel type
Date registered
15 May 2012
MOT valid until
25 November 2022

This idiot had either wheel tracking issues, or driving beyond their abilities.

Tried to tailgate me, but backed off when I became defensive.

Lucky for them that I was only interested in shaming their actions on this site.

I hope all the MOT advisories were replaced \ repaired.
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AY14 FFL 2022-05-16 00:28:04

Nice police officer!
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AK18 UYO 2022-05-14 00:20:20

Why have one bay when you can have two? Because it’s not like sea-side car parks are completely rammed in summertime, is it. Take all the space you want, you cunt.

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AK15 FHM 2022-05-13 16:23:31

Meols, Wirral. This complete cunt is forcing kids to wade through a deep puddle in their way to school while running the gauntlet of a deluge from passing cars hitting that huge puddle in the road. What a complete cunt.

Total twattery.
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AL04 REZ 2022-05-19 16:05:41

Couple of tarts in a white VW Golf.

Maybe if you didn't drive so fast past Go Burrito you wouldn't have to weave all over the place like you're on a race track.
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AJ17 UXF 2022-05-12 16:03:24

Blatantly ran a red light:
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