Rude bastard. Bullied his way in front of a pensioner to get petrol.
Same guy and car seen sitting parked up outside primary school in South Woodham Ferrers playing with himself. Keep an eye out.
Registration number: AD07XEJ
Body type: 4 Door Saloon
Colour: Black
Date of first registration: June 2007
Excessive speeding through Wrea Green then tailgating most of the way to Warton. Something of an impatient dickhead on the roads harassing motorists keeping close to the speed limit (up to about 23 in a 20 zone) when they want to do in excess of 30. They have no right to invade the privacy space of the vehicle in front. If they stick their private up the rear private of the vehicle in front, then as this is equivalent of rape, these drivers are pervs.
Rude bastard. Bullied his way in front of a pensioner to get petrol.
Same guy and car seen sitting parked up outside primary school in South Woodham Ferrers playing with himself. Keep an eye out.