The girl driving this car ran me off the road this morning. She turned off the high street taking a u turn and straight back into the high street without looking! I swerved and only just missed her, a parked car and did an emergency stop just before I nearly hit the side of a house. Although she had come to a stop she sped off leaving me shaken up and with a jarred shoulder! She should not be on the road and has been reported to the police!
Caught this driver on my patrol last night, pulled him over because he was giving me the eyes.
Gave him a good seeing to as he seemed more interested in my chassis than the problems with his. His car is not road legal but I decided to let him go after he basically begged me to, and did many unbelievable things to my body in order to get off the hook.
Absolute maniac!! Hand brake turns, spinning the wheels nutter