This guy repeatedly parks illegally on the corner of Chapel Street and Small Street - in the middle of a busy industrial estate. Must be a very selfish driver to park like this; it makes life unnecessarily difficult and stressful for lorries trying to manoeuvre around, and also blocks the pavement meaning mums with children who walk to the nearby school have to walk in the road to get around the corner.
Not sure what sort of psychological inadequacies cause someone to speed through a pedestrian crossing on red at rush hour, but this poor baby has them. Could have killed a dozen people; didn't, but at least they got to sit in a traffic queue 50 yards past the light a little sooner. V smart.
Absolute dickhead on the spinner hill roundabout at 4:40 on Tuesday 22nd of January. Nearly wrote off my car by being an impatient twat. I would sack the prick immediately!!! Absolutely fuming
His headlights are too bloody bright, it's painful