AY11 MDU 2017-01-31 20:21:31

Brilliant driver the only people unintelligent are slow turtles doing way under the speed limit in the middle of the night. #morons
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AY02 EBA 2017-01-10 15:12:21

Seen this scrap van acting suspiciously in darlaston, peering over gardens. Sped off when he realised I was watching. Dodgy scrap merchants looking to steal things by the looks of it. Middle aged white male with glasses
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AY14 XPP 2016-12-24 13:02:43

Blonde behind the wheel needs to learn how to merge. Cut me up, then when I beeped she gave me the finger 😂
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AY52 CYF 2016-12-07 20:19:04

Back tail lights are not working and only 1 brake light working.
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AY54 XMH 2016-11-25 16:18:54

No idea why this chap was mouthing off so can only assume he felt the bridge was for his use only.
The bridge is narrow but passing transit vans and large SUV's are a regular occurrence, let alone an A4 estate.
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AY64 OFP 2016-11-22 18:11:34

Crazy driver can be seen talking to himself in his car this can be mistaken for a Bluetooth conversation. Dressed like he's come straight out of a rap video. Has his seat so far back he looks like a midget from out side the car.
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AY16 APV 2016-10-29 11:10:44

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AY54 HZU 2016-10-13 12:05:09

Driver of this car knocked a cyclist off their bicycle on Green Lane, Bordesley Green, Birmingham in June 2007. Sped off straight through zebra crossing at @50mph. Driver is a psychopath.
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AY52 FGF 2016-10-10 15:18:38

This driver loves to cut people up, cause very near misses and probably hasn't even got a license. Quite partial to take a call on the wheel also.
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AY15 NKG 2016-10-05 19:27:25

This driver is extremely courteous and hot!
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