AY54 XMH 2016-12-04 12:29:39

Let it go
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AY54 XMH 2016-11-25 18:03:21

This man appears to lack basic manners and humility. That he is so easily upset by what he perceive's as the injustice of having to share space with other road users is possibly a manifestation of his personal insecurities. The small thing's, live and let live, would go a long way towards a more humane world.
In my opinion, this drivers awful attitude was unnecessary and uncalled for.
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AY54 XMH 2016-11-28 17:29:13

He looks a lot like my neighbor who is a complete tosser as well.
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AY54 XMH 2016-11-28 17:24:12

I have seen many vagina's over my distinguished career and he is a very ugly example of one but one nevertheless.
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AY54 XMH 2016-11-25 17:41:52

cheesy dickhead
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AY54 XMH 2016-11-25 17:38:51

I keep driving up his wife's passage, now it's massively wide
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AY54 XMH 2016-11-25 17:02:21

I could drive up his passage its so wide
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AY54 XMH 2016-11-25 16:50:24

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AY54 XMH 2016-11-25 16:48:03

Dickhead for driving an empty car with a roofbox
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AY54 XMH 2016-11-25 16:41:23

drives like a wanker and looks like a wanker
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