AY71 LDU 2022-12-05 02:22:56

Changes lane dangerously without checking for other drivers. Absolute menace to society.

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AY51 MMY 2022-11-21 00:25:46

Another shit illegally spaced plate 'Simmy'.

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AY16 EEZ 2022-11-02 16:58:43

5 minutes earlier this knob floored it to get in front of me, now he's unable to reach the speed limit yet refusing to fuck off to the left and let me pass. Ego to replace tiny penis? Probably.
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AY18 WWN 2022-10-30 20:03:30


Driving that deserves a prison sentence

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AY03 DOY 2022-10-10 14:32:00

saw him parked outside my work bout 20 years ago
. must have been in a rush but he wasn't sweating he said he needed a receipt so he could treasure his memories.
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AY17 LBN 2022-10-01 08:25:05

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AY13 HCO 2022-09-13 20:00:00

Doesn't look on round abouts!
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AY64 XLT 2022-08-20 17:48:19

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AY58 HBZ 2022-08-04 19:25:13

Tailgating driver!
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AY65 LYA 2022-08-09 12:30:18

Oh my days, the abuse you put that poor little Italian banger through, your Nan's going to be most displeased when she gets her keys back.
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