BT15 MHV 2015-09-04 23:21:31

What a complete cunt! Shouldn't be on the road. Just the type of "driver" to kill a motorcyclist.
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BX09 ACO 2015-09-03 13:36:14

Interesting one. To be fair it looked like the police car allowed plenty of space before moving across so hardly a dangerous manoeuvre. Did the cyclist even have to slow down?
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BK14 WEU 2015-08-23 14:49:52

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BP54 AZL 2015-08-21 03:13:17

Please report it to both the police and the school.
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BK14 WEU 2015-08-13 00:47:18

Stupid fat bitch! She will get what's coming to her ... Her address is easy to find through her driving licence that's been plastered all over social media. So let's see how long it takes for someone to get there hands on her and give her what she deserves. Cruelty to animal !!! No excuse !!!
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BK14 WEU 2015-08-12 21:17:34

This stupid bitch really needs teaching a lesson! That poor poor dog, it's ready to collapse. Cooked slowly in a car for five and a half hours, it's truly heartbreaking!
Some twats don't deserve animals!!
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BK14 WEU 2015-08-12 20:09:09

You evil selfish moron , wipe that smile off your face , engage your brain and take your dog to a rescue centre where it will find a loving CARING home with people who will look after it and not try to KILL it .
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BK14 WEU 2015-08-12 15:43:36

You thoughtless idiot, here's what happens to dogs left in hot cars:

– First, your dog will develop hyperthermia. Hyperthermia occurs when your dog’s body temperature elevates above the generally accepted normal range (body temperatures above 103° F/39° C are abnormal) – like what occurs when you dog is left in a hot car.

-As your dog’s body temperature rises, she will begin to pant heavily and she will start to sweat through the pads of her feet This is her body’s attempt to get her core body temp back to a normal range (100-102.5°F).

If she is left to wait in your hot car:

– Her body will then start to direct her blood to her core organs (guts, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys) and away from outside (brain, limbs, etc.) in an attempt to help her. At this point your dog is in heat stress. She is getting weak and possibly dizzy. She may start to vomit. Her body is starting to go into shock.

If your dog remains in your hot car at this point, she will go into heat stroke:

– Now her internal organs are starting to cook. She may start having convulsions. She may also start jumping around the car as if she is happy. She is not. She is in a panic. This is her last ditch effort to save herself, because her body is starting to shut down.

– Lastly, fluid will fill her lungs causing her to have trouble breathing. She will start to gasp for air as her body shuts down.

– she is dead.

– Time all of this took to happen? 10 minutes. That’s it. 10 MINUTESin a hot car.

– When your dog goes into heat stroke, you are past the point of no return. There is very little a vet or anyone else can do to save her.

– You could have KILLED her by leaving her in a hot car. You were very lucky, you would have had to live with the guilt of leaving your dog in your hot car, and also the knowledge of how your dog died. It would have been tortuous and terrifying. You deserve to be prosecuted.
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BX11 DLU 2015-08-12 14:49:08

This Whistle driver was up the arse of the vehicle beside me flashing his lights throughout the 50 mph section of roadworks where M6 turns into M1. We kept to speed limit so he eventually went into outside lane to overtake and went by at 55 slowly pulling away.
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BK14 WEU 2015-08-12 00:43:47

Left her dog parked up in the car with no water in the Summer heat for hours. You should be ashamed and hopefully prosecuted, you vile woman. Sad no-one ripped open the soft-top to get the poor dog out.
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