Weirdo keeps stopping in lay-by. Came back around and stopped again ten minutes later. Acting suspicious pulling up behind trucks. Looks like Roman Abramovich.
Absolute idiot of a man who refused to allow someone to merge on a dual carriageway then proceeded to honk tailgate and shout at said person because they slowed down to the speed limit! Also had a female in the car whose life he clearly had no regard for AVOID!!!! absolute idiot!! Can't even grow hair the bold prick
This utter pillock tailgated me from outside hitchin towards letchworth, giving me inches of room, it got to the point where I turned off to avoid an accident. Doesn't deserve a licence.
Saw him pick his phone out of his holster and start looking at it for two to three minutes in stop-start traffic, northbound A61 Leeds Road, Harrogate, approaching and joining filter opposite M&S. He put it back eventually, but no excuse.
Citroen Relay van, white, driven by middle-aged gentleman.
Stops on a main road for a bit of a chat and doesnt move again until i have to stop,