BN63 OET 2019-01-04 15:54:23

Gotta be kidding me.. coming into my road, some woman is overtaking a car on a bend, goes for it without even checking if anythings coming, i have to completely stop so i didn't smack a curb, i honk, she reverses and says "everything okay?" i tell her what she did was scary and she should look, her moms reply is "well no-ones dead."
You've got to be kidding me, parents now endorsing bad driving habits! great!
she said slow down to me... i said i was going 20! in a 30! and i've got the camera too!

My language was sour, and I could have worded almost everything i said better, but i was annoyed.

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BN61 EAE 2019-01-02 15:22:08

Fucking nonce cut me and my uncle off 3 times
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BN67 FBX 2018-12-20 20:14:29

this driver/owner of the vehicle was reversing without looking in the mirrors to see i was behind him, even horning lots didn't stop him. luckily there was no car behind me i and could reverse safely although he was still able to damage the front of my car and number plate.
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BN60 DZX 2018-12-23 23:02:35

Absolute dick head driver, drive wrong way round a round about and cut me off in the wet, couldn't wait 30 seconds before we go separate ways the absolute toss pot
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BN11 LAE 2018-12-06 15:24:52

Another helicopter parent hovering around school premises parking on yellow zig zags with running engine waiting for their child. Very kind and caring of them poisoning the air for people living on this street
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BN58 FNJ 2018-12-13 14:19:57

Deliberate cutting in then braking, swerving across lanes to prevent overtaking and generally dangerous driving. white male in 50s.
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BN58 KZR 2018-12-01 15:38:24

Idiot overtook me approaching T-junction, while I was indicating right. Slammed her brakes on and swerved to turn left. She actually (just) hit me but didn't stop. No evidence of collision, so no point reporting her to the police.
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BN18 VEP 2018-11-28 12:28:42

Headphones on with no mirror checks? Duh 0m45s
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BN18 JNF 2018-11-26 11:59:24

White Audi driven by an absolute tool! I hope when you eventually crash you don't involve some poor unsuspecting sod who is just going about their business as it's bound to happen if you carry on driving like a total wanker. It's called stopping distance for a reason - so you can stop and not hit the car in front!! It's not a gap for you to squeeze into and then start weaving in and out of vehicles like you are on something. Give some consideration to others on the road, you total bellend!!
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BN67 BPX 2018-12-01 13:50:17

Awful driving, cuts people up. Idiot
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