I saw this driver on the highway with a nice Lamborghini so my first fought was that he was going to be speeding, but it was absolute opposite cars like nissans and fords we're speeding past him and at all times he was not passing the speed limit and had his seatbelt on. Excellent driver
Deji is a fine driver. He took his time learning about driving and payed his dues. just because his videos are somewhat idiotic dosnt mean that he dosnt drive fine on the road. All the haters trying to get attention by saying he is a bad driver are all mental
this man killed my dog!!! by going rode a corner at 80 mph sideways he clip my pore dog on its head winch put him in to a comer and he sadly past away at 3;23 AM THIS MIRING i want this man took of the rode no i demand he is taken of the rode before he kills enemy more ... i will not rest till he is RIP pach
What a truly inspirational driver, can't remember the last time I saw someone so responsible and mature on the road, it was a privilege and an honour to be a witness of this magician, Houdini who?
I saw it diving in London, he almost flattened 3 pedestrians in the short time that I saw him driving. He then got out and threw a raccoon at a passing driver for flipping him off. I then saw him illegally park on the sidewalk and nearly cull 76 children while doing so. I then saw him drop his pants and penetrate a tree with his penal while hanging out of the window of his car.
Deji is an amazing driver screw haters dere just jealous of his car compared to theirs. What, did haters find theirs in the bin and took it, just like their so poor that use their next-door neighbours wifi
I saw this driver on the highway with a nice Lamborghini so my first fought was that he was going to be speeding, but it was absolute opposite cars like nissans and fords we're speeding past him and at all times he was not passing the speed limit and had his seatbelt on. Excellent driver