Honestly the best driver I have seen on the roads with that much experience. Normally people develop bad habits after a few years on the road - not this guy. Has two hands on the wheel, uses his handbrake at the lights, checks his mirrors before changing lanes or turning, the list goes on. I was driving in front of him and he kept a good distance (almost unheard of from people with good cars, usually they rev their engines right behind you) and with him being a famous person I kept looking in my rear view mirror to see what he was doing (I may have given a cheeky wave too).
A very good driver. Yesterday I saw him driving caustiously across the road. In front of him was an ass of a driver and that dick (forgot plate) swerved into the grass while trying to ram BO55 CSG off the road, even after that, he got out and helped and helped traffic until police arrived.
What's all this crap? He's good at driving people who hate him because of YouTube rate him badly here! Most of them don't live in the damn UK giving false information on false dates
excellent driver no issues with him at all