BP51 XSY 2016-03-02 06:04:50

I saw he's handling the road like a very skilled driver
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BP14 ODG 2016-02-07 21:41:57

What about this stupid woman wrong way on a slip...

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BP06 HZD 2016-02-06 13:41:48

Lady driver hit our car and drove off!! Apparently because it was only her door that dented the car and she didnt actuall drive into the car it doesnt matter!!!!!! Stupid bitch
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BP56 XKY 2016-01-15 02:56:04

This driver is a Audi wanker, named Dan Croft. Lives in Buckingham. Drives this shittray around like he owns the road, drives through red lights and also drove at a bunch of children at speed and had to mount the curb to miss them as they didn't move quickly enough. Absolutely CUNT - the girl in the car with him looks like a fuck ugly dog too, named SAMANTHA OSBORN I believe
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BP52 AZZ 2016-01-15 18:15:53

This complete idiot was driving past my house at 50mph while me and my 5 yo daughter was crossing the road he barely missed us, he wouldn't have been able to stop.
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BP63 GXX 2016-01-10 21:33:43

This idiot was driving at 40 mph on a 20 mph road and nearly hit a learner
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BP63 NVJ 2015-11-10 10:15:50

This idiot pulled out of a junction as I'm coming along at 30mph in an 18t wagon. Forcing me to slam on my brakes as it's not easy to stop so mich weight quickly. He then proceeded to go straight over a roundabout, forcing a car driver to slam on their brakes and give him the middle finger. Complete idiot.
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BP64 JRZ 2015-11-09 11:32:58

This Yodel driver, registration number BP64 JRZ, parked facing the wrong way in the middle of a one-way, one-lane road, then refused to back up 10 feet into a parking space behind him on the intersecting road (see photo). He instead decided that everyone else should back up up the entire length of the one-way system up a steep hill in the rain so he could continue on his way. When that didn't happen to his satisfaction, he put his car into park and folded his arms, then sat reading his clipboard. He decided a stand off was the best move of his day. So I began filming him. At that point he suddenly decided to back up the very few feet needed. This was about 7 minutes later. When I was finally able to drive around him he yelled C*** at me and deliberately nearly hit my car. He is a bully and definitely should not be employed as a driver for Yodel or anyone else.
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BP03 NGZ 2015-11-08 13:05:38

Good driver , honest man in traffic!i was appreciate that !
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BP64 THU 2015-10-08 23:02:57

Driver of this vehicle slammed his brakes on, and I responded with honking the horn. He then gestured at me, and told me to pull over. I carried on, and he undercut me on the inside, and I had to stop this time because there was another vehicle blocking the other carriageway. He then made comments about me being a foreigner, and how I drive like a Paki - despite being white British. He then jabbed me in the side of the head and threatened that he was going to rip my face off. Top guy!
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Worst drivers in November

  1. MLP 2010
  2. NG64 LXL
  3. FN66 JYU
  4. KP68 VDV
  5. RF12 HKU
  6. HF69 PGZ
  7. KV59 YWN
  8. MT17 VCF
  9. MJ24 LVO
  10. BK70 YSL

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