CL10 EXH 2024-06-07 12:27:35

Nothing like a legal plate eh Clioe. Unusual name.
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CV10 RXX 2024-06-06 18:55:16

Seen this purple/blue land rover driving erratically through Wexham and Slough on numerous occasions the last few weeks.
No front plate. Overtaking other vehicles then pushing into traffic. Shouting and hand gestures Tailgating and pressuring other drivers to speed up or pull over so the scum can get back to whatever Faeces he crawls under. Tax and MOT expired 6 months ago.
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CP15 UMB 2024-06-05 20:08:08

skip to 9:55
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C19 OCE 2024-06-04 19:10:35

Glad you have such a large car you think it’s acceptable to tailgate and speed through a 20mph zone up the backside of the car in front. Good thing no one came onto the zebra crossing… you wouldn’t have stopped!
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CK18 AYC 2024-06-11 15:28:25

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CY21 FVT 2024-06-02 16:37:40

Likes to sound horn at old people crossing roads.

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CA19 YAD 2024-06-02 09:34:08

Does anyone recognise this vehicle or know the owner/driver please?
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CV06 GBY 2024-05-31 22:13:32

Very impatient driver overtakes in a race to the red light! Doh
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CN73 RKK 2024-06-07 17:36:26

You cunt need to learn how to drive
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CU18 XOY 2024-05-28 15:53:01

Legally parked for just a week and it's upset some little upstart twat living in their sad little cul-de-sac, threatening to get it towed because "it doesn't belong to any of the neighbours" and their road is "busy".

There are some really pathetic curtain twitching loons around. Little British nitpickers. What fucks.
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