CH64 YES 2024-03-08 14:03:34

Yes!!!!! you are a bellend .
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CE58 NNC 2024-03-08 01:38:37

that same twat flashed his chubby cock at me in the drive through too!!!!! could have sworn id discovered a new strain of button mushroom
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CH04 SLH 2024-03-07 11:16:12

Shite four-ringer clearly no idea where they’re going or how to drive well.
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CK73 TYU 2024-02-27 20:59:38

Fucking idiot parked right up on the pavement by double yellows cleaning car. There's even a notice at the garage/car wash he was outside telling people not to park or queue on the pavement. Guess it doesn't apply to you, dickhead
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CK71 EVX 2024-03-03 14:43:59

Blocked a garage access agian.
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CP66 FVK 2024-02-24 18:42:36

This driver hogging the middle lane on the m5 south for 12 miles
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CU18 LMX 2024-02-24 12:50:22

Swansea council dickhead
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CF72 RNJ 2024-02-24 13:56:19

So this clown a mother of young girls nearly caused a head on collision on the road leading from Treforest uni to power station hill lights 🤬🤬.. I actually let her out at the lights by the waterfall ( she was coming from the back lane of the houses opposite the castle inn bridge!! 🤬

Over took 2 cars on a bend and nearly hit a car head on just to get to a red light in the same place as me 🤡!! Sped up hill to lights and bombing along tonyeg road !! Clearly the kids are late for school but to be honest lucky to be alive with her as a mother 🤬
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CF06 AZB 2024-02-24 01:18:47

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CA68 OZG 2024-02-28 19:29:15

Brain dead, cannot decide which lane he wants to use at intersection. Give up your license. Defo foreign
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