CA18 HWN 2022-09-03 13:38:32

Dreadful parking right by a junction making it hard for other vehicles to get in and out.
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CA12 NNL 2022-08-24 12:32:34

Dreadful parking, taking up too much space, and nearly crashed at a crossroads when driving off.
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CA09 ORY 2022-08-03 21:08:47

Absolutely crap driver, in the middle of the road, speeding, throwing out rubbish, squirting people with a water gun.
Almost went into us multiple times.
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CA10 LJC 2022-08-03 17:14:48

The lines are just guides, right?
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CA12 NND 2022-07-16 11:08:44

Do you miNND? Bellend.
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CA18 WFP 2022-07-06 13:06:20

Try looking at the road when you drive instead of down. Then you wouldn’t be half in the bus lane
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CA59 LKO 2022-07-07 17:41:57

Absolutely no idea where they're going but they're going to make sure everyone knows it with their engine revving.
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CA19 CRF 2022-07-06 10:24:08

Perfectly good parking space by the pavement for you to unload, but that's fine, you just park your car in the middle of the road and do it so no-one can fucking get past. Nobheads.
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CA69 AZP 2022-06-03 16:59:40

Motorway fastlane tailgater, especially worse as had kids in the back.
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CA10 SDY 2022-05-30 20:03:58

Doing 50 in a 30. Bastards.
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Worst drivers in November

  1. LC06 OPH
  2. KP68 VDV
  3. FN66 JYU
  4. DK55 XAT
  5. KT73 ZHX
  6. RF12 HKU
  7. KV59 YWN
  8. MLP 2010
  9. B16 TAJ
  10. WG02 NFE

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