CA07 OHB 2018-06-14 22:08:23

Some young twat driving around Filton like a twat get him off the bastard road
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CA65 LYT 2018-06-09 15:48:25

tried to run me and my 12 yr old daughter off the road in a residential zone net to park - utter utter gutless pathetic dickless twat.
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CA15 YKE 2018-06-04 22:51:03

Maybe he drove 20 or 30 because that was the speed limit!!
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CA11 AME 2018-06-04 18:00:47

This dickhead was speeding down Garstang Road at about 80, it’s a 30 zone... cunt
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CA64 UGB 2018-05-09 19:18:45

Parked In a excluded zone created for the parking meter.
It is covered in yellow hash markings on the floor and is smaller than a standard space.

They can’t even get the vehicle in the space properly.
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CA07 OBH 2018-05-12 19:06:44

Fucking twat in Filton bristol cut me up and several over vehicles could of caused an accident absolute melon.

Luckily another vehicle had a dash cam and caught it.
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CA12 WLF 2018-05-03 10:17:58

His driving was actually fine, but I spotted him picking his nose and eating it in my rear view mirror as we approached the M4 Juncton 12 along the Bath Road A4.

Hilariously disgusting! I couldn't stop laughing in disbelief for about 15 minutes!
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CA03 ZBY 2018-05-10 08:54:18

Fantastic driver, good looking chap too
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CA60 LWG 2018-04-28 23:01:54

Needs two spaces for his huge car
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CA07 EKC 2018-04-25 04:04:16

Next time you decide to do this in my area I am going to film you and pass it straight onto the police. I'm then going to post it here. This is by no means a threat - this is a safety measure on account of your appalling dring.

I don't care what your attempted reasoning might be - you cannot justify your aggressive and dangerous actions including trying to run a cyclist into oncoming traffic. That to me looks like attempted murder on your part.

No wonder people are angry when you are playing around with their lives. I just hope the police and your insurer have seen this video because you are a loaded gun ready to pull the trigger.
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