This idiot doesn't know how to use roundabouts! Cut me up twice in two different roundabouts by deciding to swap lanes in the middle of it, very dangerous
Driving like an utter idiot. Undertaking just to sit up the backside of a landy.. m5 on a BH monday. Theres traffic. Get some patience and some sense!!
young chap in an 8 year old black Audi, customised with a few stickers and loud exhaust. Causing a general nuisance around Monmouth, along with his boyfriend who drives a similar Audi in white. he posts on facebook that he's just a 'kid having fun', but surely once you become old enough to drive, you are an adult? Harrison Forbes needs to start acting his age, and driving sensibly, before he kills someone with his erratic driving. Hopefully his insurance company will see the comments on here and facebook, and increase his premium to a level that will make him take driving seriously.
this lady is absolutely stupid i hate her she can get a life no one likes her she should be punished that brat of an idiot she is just ugh i hate her hope she gets karma cough*(pulled over by police) cough* bye
They were driving so slow and they stopped and grabbed me out of my car and robbed me car that fucking fatty and ran over my nan