Audi A5 knob. Once overtook, safely, this whopper gets on the flashers.
If you don't like it then go faster.
If you want to go slower than the limit then don't have a tantrum when people overtake you.
Has a rather... unorthodox, certainly stupid and dangerous solution to dealing with floodwaters- that is, barrel in without looking or slowing down, realise at the last second that everyone else is driving down the middle and she's about to hit me head-on as a result, then swerve and drive half on the pavement, half through the deepest bit of the water. Watch out for this white Fiesta, her planning and observation skills are nonexistent
Mate, the limit is 20 and I was doing at least 21. If you don't like it go complain to the council or something. Don't tailgate people and make exasperated hand gestures like a little child.
Disgusting dirty tramp throwing cigarette butts out of the window! Absolute cunt.