This driver sells drugs and he all the time play music plus leave the window open so theres can look at him. He called my girlfriend whose a mixed race "Pakistan bitch" and told her to get out of the uk. He Carries drug in the vehicle as it makes a strong smell to walk past it.
Aggressive little cow. Almost caused an accident twice in about 2 miles of following her.
Maybe if you stopped tailgating you wouldn't need to emergency break all the time, huh?
You don't have to constantly feather your brakes, especially for slight bends and inclines... while going 30mph in a 60 zone.
You may like going through a set of pads every few months, but I do not, nor does anyone else who's unfortunate enough to find themselves behind you. Have some respect for both your car and other road users.
Driving at least 30mph, if not more, straight over a roundabout near the Moorfield pub in Sale, with no hesitation to stop, nor looking for other vehicles at the roundabout. Driving as if no roundabout there at all. Thankfully the car you should’ve given right of way to was able to stop in time to avoid accident.
Attempted to run our family car off the road exiting a roundabout near Shewsbury, deliberate swerve towards our right hand side swinging between two lanes. Forcing me to take evasive action, almost mounting the curb and terrifying/almost whiplashing our one year old son. I know it's unlikely you'll ever read this but on the off chance you do I hope you'll reflect on your moment of idiocy almost causing a young family to crash at 60mph - on my son's 1st Birthday too.
This driver sells drugs and he all the time play music plus leave the window open so theres can look at him. He called my girlfriend whose a mixed race "Pakistan bitch" and told her to get out of the uk. He Carries drug in the vehicle as it makes a strong smell to walk past it.