Silly cunt dives left out of a queue of traffic without checking mirrors or indicating. Almost caused a collision you utter moron, and all so you could get to sit at a red light faster...
Registration number: FH19ZFV
Body type: 5 Door Hatchback
Colour: Black
Date of first registration: June 2019
Failed to stop for Nottinghamshire Police after committing many offences and ended up crashing and being caught. Caused great stress and discomfort for innocent pedestrians and road users affected by his reckless driving.
Should be put away. Filthy old paedo, said to my 11 year old boy that he was sexy. Lucky I didn't lamp him one but he was in some silly transit and drove off
Silly cunt dives left out of a queue of traffic without checking mirrors or indicating. Almost caused a collision you utter moron, and all so you could get to sit at a red light faster...