Absolute knob head. Victoria centre car park is 6 storys deep. back up top to bottom to get out. not stopping at giveaways or giving right of way let alone letting anyone out of a bay beeping and revving engine ready to move off. i had my reverse lights on for 5 minutes and let all cars past that were past the giveaway line. She was behind it and i had been waiting for this gap. reversed slowly to which i was met by a long beep. and she filled the gap. Multiple drivers had a go at her to which she saw no wrong in what she was doing. i reversed close to her veichle on purpose after this and asked if she was going to let me out in front to which she replied “no” and i said have you been sat here too long? and she said “yes we have” not sure who exactly she thought she was maybe a distant relative of the royal family?.
told her her cars shite and is financed and asked if i’d see her broken down up the street. this must’ve triggered some ptsd and some money stressors as i’ve never seen somebody quite so touched over a statement.
unfortunately our ugly menopausal karen couldn’t handle this and her fat mate said she’d smash our faces in.
this really was the highlight of our trip to Nottongham.
boy haircut old whore i hope your life does improve. i’m sure the finance will be paid off in the next 20 years.
Texting and driving children in the car illegal tinted front windows