FP05 XNT 2022-12-01 11:43:45

Eastbourne autos mechanic driver with phone in his hand chatting away oblivious to anybody around him
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FP22 LHB 2022-11-06 09:10:15

Clearly couldn’t be bothered to park properly and walk a few yards so decided to completely block a pavement forcing hundreds leaving fireworks (including children, buggies etc) into the road.
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FP09 UFR 2022-10-28 16:22:52

Another classic fail! Looks like GUFR…
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FP12 EHY 2022-10-20 15:01:50

Kid with a BMW thinks he's back in the year 2000 starring in a fast & furious film with his pink undercar lights.
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FP70 FJD 2022-10-05 00:15:26

Arrogant coppers that don't know the highway code
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FP65 VPK 2022-09-28 18:57:36

Yet another openreach driver with an ego. Happy to toddle along at 40 in a 50, but when half a mile of overtaking lane comes up and an HGV tries to pass him he speeds up blocking it, and everyone else trying to pass. At the end he drops back down to 40. Prick.
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FP16 HFA 2022-09-19 15:52:31

Stupid woman - driving with a small dog in her lap (and another bouncing around on the passenger seat)?!!

As cute as you think it is sat kissing your mongrel on its head it's massively dangerous.

Some ppl don't have the brains they were born with.
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FP55 BNL 2022-09-04 13:45:36

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FP18 LEU 2022-08-19 20:22:26

Driver of a "PHS" Vauxhall Movano van sped out of a side road at the last minute, into the path of oncoming traffic, and onto 3 way traffic lights. Didn't bother to look at all. Almost a near miss with my car.

Once lights turned green, driver then almost took the front off a stationary car waiting at the lights. Then proceeded to drive quite erratically. Pleased that he wasn't going my way! This company need to take a good look into the idiot drivers that they're employing...
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FP71 UNM 2022-08-09 22:10:51

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