You'll find it's a status thing. They can't necessarily hear it in their car, they just try to impress everybody outside it.
We had someone who had a car that did that near where I lived. I told him "I dare you to make your car make that noise in Central London" 😂 He didn't get it. Guns, bombs going off...?
Paul pal you obv are not in control of your vechile I am a professional drive I cover over 700 mile a week I visit clients down south on a regular basis I do not slam my brakes on I may apply my brake If feel my safety has been breachd the high way code states 4 second gap on the wet 2 second in dry you must of not had the correct gap grow up don't be jelous grow up and hopefully Santa bring you driveing lessons cause you obv need them
Mate you obv fucked with him , cut him up or something , he wouldn't slam brakes on u for no reason. I can assure you he is a dyno driver and he wouldn't have a 640 bm otherwise hahaha ! dick
Extremely erratic driving from this individual ..... Shame on you