The twat of a driver (who was droving his mums car) tried to park in a space next to my sons car. After scraping my sons car on the way in he realised in his small neatherthal brain that he couldn’t get in so drove out scraping the car on his way out. Then parked it down the road and went into the pub as though nothing had happened, caught by a witness but now denies doing anything.
Black Mercedes. Nearly hit about four cars on the M3 driving so close to people and pulling out of the lane whenever he felt like it. Literally inches from a pile-up. Absolute c*nt of a driver.
Its such a shame that in britain we now have people behaving like this and far worse.
Look on youtube for handmuff warrior .
He fights gangs of street scum.
The only answer to this huge problem is vigilant beatings.
Make an example of this scum and kick their teeath out of the back of theif heads
This lorry must have some kind of special exemption,it came past me with the big flashing things at about 93kph... I have been trucking for over 30 years and never seen anything like it.....
BMW driver overtaking at lights and at speed whilst in the wrong lane, tosser