Saw this lorry try and ram another car off the road on the A14 this morning 08/Feb/2017 at about 0730 near Milton. The outer lane was clear, so the lorry moved into it, but was upset about moving so moved to push the car off the road whilst beeping his horn. Absolute nutter with anger problems. Reported to the police.
This is a vehicle owned by a company called Tecserv photocopier handling specialists and is driven by an idiot. This Tecserv vehicle, and another (GN66 BNK), were driving side by side in the middle and outside lane of the M6 Toll road at motorway speed around 13:40 today passing objects between the two trucks. This happened twice with the second almost resulting in one side swiping the other. I hope both of these idiots loose their jobs as they clearly have no regard for other drivers or the company they represent.
This is a vehicle owned by a company called Tecserv photocopier handling specialists and is driven by an idiot. This Tecserv vehicle, and another (GN64 AMV), were driving side by side in the middle and outside lane of the M6 Toll road at motorway speed around 13:40 today passing objects between the two trucks. This happened twice with the second almost resulting in one side swiping the other. I hope both of these idiots loose their jobs as they clearly have no regard for other drivers or the company they represent.
Pulled out on me at a mini round about causing me to slam the breaks and have to swerve to avoid an accident to then stick his fingers up at me when I beeped my horn and sped off
Saw this lorry try and ram another car off the road on the A14 this morning 08/Feb/2017 at about 0730 near Milton. The outer lane was clear, so the lorry moved into it, but was upset about moving so moved to push the car off the road whilst beeping his horn. Absolute nutter with anger problems. Reported to the police.