Extremely dangerous driving at Apex cornier roundabout. Driver cut across lanes to avoid queuing and almost forced me into the side barrier when trying to leave the roundabout. This driver needs to learn the rules of the road
The driver is rude and unpleasant - saw him in Crawley with his 'girlfriend' who raised her middle finger up at me as her boyfriend pushed into traffic. A complete prat.
Driver shouting abuse at cyclists at road near Old Street roundabout, threatening a lone female cyclist, after speding down the OPPOSITE side of the road...! Stunned
GN57 GSV was harassing other motorists on the London bound carriagway of the M20 with the assistance of ( I can only assume are self installed) blue flashing lights front and rear. He is a bloke with grey hair and beard approx in his mid sixties. Any car that passed him was receiving dangerous attention.
Deliberately rammed a Merc