GV67 BKY 2018-04-04 14:55:13

Stopped when I broke down and rode to get me petrol, nice guy.
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GV07 WCP 2018-04-03 07:01:46

...and no MOT since January.
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GV57 UKL 2018-02-23 04:01:07

How are you supposed to give the cyclists a metre and a half?

- By learning to drive properly and stop and stop the victim-blaming. It's YOUR responsibility to over-take where it is both safe and practical, NOT the cyclist's to get out of your way because you don't want to share the road. This is entirely your doing!
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GV57 UKL 2018-02-22 14:07:49

The car driver clearly has a chip on his shoulder. Saying "You people are so arrogant" means he's already made his mind up about the cyclist based on his own prejudices.

What has the lack of a rear view mirror on a bicycle got to do with the car drivers poor overtake?

He thinks the cyclist should pull into a parking space to let him pass when there is a second, overtaking lane which he could have easily used to overtake the cyclist (just like he managed to do at the end of the clip).

Look at where the car driver chose to pull in as well: bloody arrogant to stop and block a road like that.
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GV57 UKL 2018-02-17 14:08:24

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GV57 UKL 2018-02-22 23:54:24

Driver endangering a vulnerable road users life , needs to be reported and removed ASAP.
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GV57 UKL 2018-02-20 21:12:52

Driver sounds like a toffee nose wanker 😂😂
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GV57 UKL 2018-02-20 12:25:30

Lovely driver and most considerate.
Cyclist is a well known glue sniffer and shoplifter.
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GV17 EFR 2017-09-12 17:46:28

silly twat trying to push in
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GV59 GUG 2017-05-25 07:10:02

Total ass cunt
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