She has no rights being abusive. The cyclist has every right to use the road and the the driver has an obligation to accept this and go about their business in a timely and safe manner. They chose not to. Blaming the cyclist for your fuck-up isn't going to pull the wool over people's eyes. Learn to drive a car.
Tries to make out hes all big and hard in his shitty Honda and then when he goes out to confront the other driver he acts all timid. Shut up you fucking bald cunt
This guy GAVE me a disease on his drive by route apparantly he's been doing this for years..... don't know how he gets away with it some people just think that they can treat us like a big fat pile of SHIT and I am OVER it.... reminds me of my ex husband who used to take my kids out of the weekend for hours. I send him back to poland tell the government he touched me kids lol.... thanks for the chat hun
ur nearly bald :s
shit driver