HS05 SAJ 2019-02-15 01:44:11

Media link or piss off.
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HS05 SAJ 2019-02-14 12:05:46

you owe me a new scarf u cock muncher
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HS05 SAJ 2019-02-14 12:05:06

you bastard why did you hit me with your car!!
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HS18 EHD 2018-08-31 10:01:33

not really worthy of post - if this is the worst thing that's ever happened to you on the roads then you are very lucky. Respect other drivers - perhaps there was a mechanical issue -you don't know. Beeping doesn't help anyone unless they haven't seen you - which as you were tailgating I'm sure they saw you very clearly .
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HS18 EHD 2018-08-14 09:36:56

Poor thing must be having a bad day.
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HS18 EHD 2018-08-13 16:18:38

Let’s beep someone who’s clearly already very nervous. Bell end
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HS18 EHD 2018-08-11 22:02:18

Idiot, shouldn't have your licence. If that was a test you would have failed for going over the white line and blocking a lane, putting other drivers at risk.
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HS55 HNS 2017-02-02 12:50:17

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HS04 URK 2016-10-04 11:54:08

Massive cunt stupid mini with a loud exhaust needs to go slit his wrists the fuck head
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HS53 HPO 2015-12-21 20:10:17

Fog lighting not in the fog
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